Huawei Launches Wireless Mouse StarFlash Version with 'Dawn Pink' Color

TapTechNews May 24th news, Huawei launched the 'Dawn Pink' color of the Huawei wireless mouse StarFlash version in the 2024 Summer All-Scenario New Product Launch Conference. Matching the newly added color of the same style as MateBookXPro gives a more integrated feel. Currently, the 'Dawn Pink' color of this mouse has been put on sale in the Huawei Mall (not yet available on, with an official price of $35 (about 229 yuan), and the pre-sale price for the first release is $32 (about 209 yuan).

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According to the introduction, this mouse uses a micro-fleece material, which is claimed to have a touch feeling like brocade and silk, as warm and skin-friendly as satin, and can work on various desktop materials (including glass countertops).

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In terms of specifications, the mouse weighs 2.15 ounces (about 61 grams), and is equipped with StarFlash wireless communication technology. It is claimed to achieve StarFlash interaction with PCs and tablets. The mouse can be automatically paired as long as it is close to the relevant equipment. At the same time, it is equipped with an adaptive frequency-hopping algorithm, and the anti-interference ability is improved by 4 times, but the official did not announce the mouse's DPI and acceleration information.

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TapTechNews sorted out the mouse parameter information as follows:

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TapTechNews also sorted out the 'One Picture to Know' of the relevant launch conference before. Currently, the new products have been gradually put on sale in stock. Friends can click here to visit the article to get more information about the products of this Huawei launch conference.
