Malaysia Announces National Semiconductor Strategy Details

According to TapTechNews on May 29, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim recently announced the details of the country's national semiconductor strategy.

The strategic goal is to shape Malaysia into an important part in the global semiconductor resilient supply chain through three stages.

In the first stage, Malaysia's focus is to modernize the OSAT production capacity and expand the country's influence in the field of advanced packaging. Malaysia plans to attract at least 500 billion ringgit (TapTechNews note: currently about 775 billion Chinese yuan) of investment in this stage.

Among them, overseas funds will focus on chips, especially the expansion of the back-end production capacity of power semiconductors; while domestic investment in Malaysia is concentrated on IC design and other aspects.

And in the second stage, Malaysia plans to focus on cultivating at least ten IP design and advanced packaging enterprises with an annual revenue of 1 billion to 4.7 billion ringgit (currently about 1.55 billion to 7.285 billion Chinese yuan), and at the same time cultivating at least 100 semiconductor companies with an annual revenue close to 1 billion ringgit.

In order to achieve this development goal, the Malaysian government will provide 25 billion ringgit (currently about 38.75 billion Chinese yuan) of financial support, build an international-level semiconductor research and development center, and provide training support for 60,000 engineers.
