Tesla Owners Are the Most Keen on Keeping Cars Clean in the UK

TapTechNews May 29th, a fun survey of British drivers reveals that Tesla owners are the group in the UK that loves to keep their cars clean the most.

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According to TapTechNews, this survey conducted by the British car scrapping comparison service provider ScrapCarComparison in March 2024 surveyed 1000 car owners, and the survey content covered how often the owners clean the interior and exterior of the vehicle, and whether they feel embarrassed to carry people due to the messiness of their cars.

The survey results show that Tesla owners have the cleanest cars in the UK, washing the exterior of the car an average of 130 times a year, which is equivalent to washing the car more than twice a week. Even more, 27% of Tesla owners said they wash their cars every day. In contrast, Honda and BMW owners are slightly inferior, washing their cars an average of 52 times a year, about once a week. Mercedes-Benz, Toyota and Audi owners have a lower car washing frequency, washing their cars an average of about 21 times a year. And the owners of other brands wash their cars an average of 12 times a year, about once a month.

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However, the survey of ScrapCarComparison did not explore the reason why Tesla owners are so keen on keeping their cars clean.
