Tesla Model X Gets Automatic Sensor Doors Back

TapTechNews June 12th news, Tesla has brought back a cool exclusive feature for its Model X - Automatic Sensor Doors, and this feature is now available again through the 2024.20.1 software update.

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According to TapTechNews, in 2023, Tesla removed the ultrasonic sensors of the Model X to strengthen its pure vision autonomous driving solution. However, this change also made some features missing, including the much-loved Automatic Sensor Doors.

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Now, when the driver approaches the Model X with a key card or phone key, the vehicle will automatically open the main driver's door, allowing the driver to enter the car without touching the door handle. The driver also doesn't need to close the door manually, just tap the brake pedal and the door will close automatically.

It's worth noting that the previous version of the Automatic Sensor Doors could only open the door by a few inches, while after this update, the door can be fully opened, completely eliminating the need to touch the door.
