Apple Launches Refurbished iPhone 14 Series in US Online Store

TapTechNews May 25th news, the Apple US online store updated and launched the official refurbished models of iPhone 14, iPhone 14Pro and iPhone 14ProMax, among which there is no iPhone 14Plus model.

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Apple first released the iPhone 14 model in September 2022, and later discontinued the iPhone 14Pro and iPhone 14ProMax, and the latter two devices have been replaced by the iPhone 15Pro model. Apple is still selling the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14Plus, with starting prices of $699 and $799 respectively.

The starting price of Apple iPhone 14 in the US Apple online store is $619 (TapTechNews note: currently about 4,488 RMB), which is $80 cheaper than the new price of $699, with a discount rate of 11.4%, and the maximum capacity can reach 256GB.

The starting price of Apple iPhone 14Pro is $759 (currently about 5,503 RMB), and the starting price of iPhone 14ProMax is $849 (currently about 6,155 RMB), with a variety of configurations and colors to choose from, and this is also the only way to buy this series of mobile phones from Apple officially at this stage. The storage capacity can reach up to 1TB, and the discount rate of high-capacity models is greater.
