Zeekr Clarifies Rumor about Employee

TapTechNews June 18th. The Zeekr Legal Department announced today that the recent rumor that a Zeekr employee was fired for complaining about intelligent driving and the content has been moderated is untrue.

Upon investigation, it turned out that the employee leaked screenshots of internal forum posts and responses, violating the company's information security policy and having a significant impact. After thorough communication, the company, in accordance with relevant regulations, terminated the employee's labor contract for the illegal behavior of screenshotting and sending out. Currently, relevant posts can still be viewed and replied to in the internal forum and have not been deleted.

The Zeekr Legal Department also stated that Zeekr encourages employees to report problems through internal compliance channels, and also encourages and acknowledges the atmosphere of free speech and anonymous discussion in the internal forum. Please don't believe rumors or spread rumors, and let's work together to build a clean and clear online community.

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TapTechNews annexed the original online post as follows:

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