Hungary Proposes Measures to Accelerate EU's Transition to Electric Vehicles

TapTechNews July 11th news, according to CCTV News report, on July 10 local time, Hungarian National Economy Minister Nagy Marton held a press conference in Budapest and announced that Hungary has submitted a proposal to the EU Competitiveness Council, including a package of measures to accelerate the EU's transition to electric vehicles.

Nagy Marton emphasized that currently the EU needs measures that can coordinate different electric vehicle strategies among member states. He also proposed to build a charging station every 50 kilometers, provide charging devices at 80% of gas stations, and provide a purchase subsidy of 4,500 euros (TapTechNews note: currently about 35,441 yuan) for each EU citizen who buys an electric vehicle.

He said that the EU needs to reduce regulatory pressure to improve competitiveness, and technological neutral procedures and circular economy must be given priority in the green transition process. In addition, the electrification transition is the core of Europe's industrial competitiveness, and Hungary will propose to the EU to formulate an electric vehicle law.

Regarding the imposition of temporary anti-subsidy tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, Nagy Marton said that the Hungarian government does not support the EU's protectionist and market-restricting measures, and this move means that it will lead to a trade war and will not benefit any party.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, according to the EU's anti-subsidy investigation, SAIC Group is imposed a tariff of 37.6%, Geely and BYD are imposed tariffs of 19.9% and 17.4% respectively, and other Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers that cooperate in the investigation but are not spot-checked will be imposed a weighted average tariff of 20.8%, while enterprises that do not cooperate in the investigation will face an additional taxation of 37.6%.
