China's Largest Natural Gas Storage Reservoir Hutubi Gas Storage's Achievements and Upgrades

TapTechNews August 15th news, CCTV News released a report today, stating that since the start of this cycle's gas injection on March 28th, China's largest natural gas storage reservoir, the Hutubi Gas Storage in Xinjiang Oilfield Company, has cumulatively injected more than 2 billion cubic meters of gas, with the highest daily gas injection volume reaching 26 million cubic meters, setting a new historical record.

Hutubi Gas Storage Introduction

The Hutubi Gas Storage is currently the largest natural gas storage reservoir in the country, currently the sixth largest in the world and the first in Asia, and it is also the first storage reservoir after imported gas from Central Asia enters the country. Its gas storage capacity can reach tens of billions of cubic meters, with a cumulative gas injection of 21.317 billion cubic meters and a cumulative gas supply of 15.907 billion cubic meters.

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This gas storage reservoir undertakes the dual functions of seasonal peak shaving and emergency gas supply for cities along the West-East Gas Pipeline and seasonal peak shaving in the northern Xinjiang region.

TapTechNews reported last October that the largest compressor in the country was successfully installed in the Hutubi Gas Storage, and the daily gas injection capacity could be increased from the previous 16 million cubic meters to 26 million cubic meters.


This year, by using digital simulation technology to monitor the pressure and fluid distribution in the gas storage reservoir in real time for fine gas injection, 530 well times of gas injection have been optimized and adjusted. The daily gas injection volume has increased by 11.5 million cubic meters compared to the previous gas injection cycle and has remained at 26 million cubic meters for 14 consecutive days.

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In June this year, as the largest compressor in the country was put into use in the Hutubi Gas Storage, the daily gas injection capacity of the Hutubi Gas Storage increased from 16 million cubic meters to 26 million cubic meters.

Up to now, since the largest natural gas storage reservoir in China, the Hutubi Gas Storage, was put into operation until today, the cumulative gas injection volume has exceeded 23.4 billion cubic meters.

Digital and Intelligent Transformation and Upgrading

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Xu Peng, deputy head of the injection station of Xinjiang Oilfield Gas Storage Co., Ltd., said:

When our gas storage reservoir was first put into production, the production data collection and storage functions were not yet perfect, and employees needed to conduct patrols every two hours to record our production operation parameters.

Now, after using the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology, employees can conduct centralized and unified monitoring and remote control of production data through the industrial cont rol system in the production command center.
