Explosion of Electric Bike Battery in Elevator in Guangzhou, with Trial Results and Shanghai's Legislation

TapTechNews August 5th news, friends may still remember a viral video on the Internet: A man carried an electric bike battery into the elevator, and the battery suddenly exploded and caught fire, and the flames engulfed the car. After the man was rescued from the car, his whole body had been burned black.

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TapTechNews learned through inquiry that the relevant accident occurred in a community in Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, at about 1:30 am on October 8, 2021. The person involved, Chen, told his wife that the battery was getting hot and planned to take it outside to cool down. When Chen took the battery into the elevator, the battery suddenly smoked and exploded, and the flames instantly spread across the entire car. A moment later, the man was rescued from the elevator by the crowd and sent to the hospital for treatment, and was diagnosed with multiple flame burns all over the body, severe inhalation injury, acute kidney injury, and left eye burn. On November 3, Chen died, and the cause of death was acute myocardial infarction.

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At present, the Haizhu District Court of Guangzhou has disclosed the details and trial results of this case: The explosive battery involved belongs to an illegally secondarily processed and modified battery, and the evidence provided by the seller Zhang is not sufficient to prove that the battery he sold complies with the quality standard, and he should bear the corresponding responsibility.

The first-instance court ruled that the seller Zhang was 70% responsible for this accident, and Chen himself was 30% responsible, and Zhang should compensate more than 1.01 million yuan to Chen's relatives. Zhang refused to accept the first-instance judgment and appealed to the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court. The second-instance court ruled to dismiss the appeal and uphold the original judgment.

According to TapTechNews on May 14th, according to the Office of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on Amending the 'Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Safety Management of Non-motor Vehicles', Shanghai has officially legislated to prohibit carrying electric bicycles or their batteries into the elevator car, and at the same time, the relevant 'Decision' also clearly stipulates the corresponding legal responsibilities for those who engage in the business activities of assembling, installing, or modifying non-motor vehicles or selling assembled, installed, or modified non-motor vehicles.

Related Reading:

Preventing Fire Risk Hazards, Shanghai Legislates to Prohibit Carrying Electric Bicycles or Their Batteries into the Elevator Car
