Shanghai Man's Taxi Ride to Airport Results in Extra Cost and Dispute

TapTechNews September 24th news, according to Xinmin Evening News, at 5:39 am on September 7th, Mr. Yu in Shanghai booked a Caocao Mobility online car-hailing through the Gaode Taxi App to catch a 9 o'clock flight to Japan. Previously, it only took him 42 minutes to take a taxi from his home to Pudong Airport, but this time it took 65 minutes, and he traveled the same Central Ring Road but ran 30 kilometers more.

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It is reported that at 6:45, Mr. Yu arrived at Pudong Airport. According to the mileage and time displayed on the taxi platform, 74.55 kilometers, 65 minutes, after deducting the discounted 24 yuan, Mr. Yu confirmed the payment of 282.83 yuan. That is to say, if there is no discount, Mr. Yu should pay 306.83 yuan.

And the last time Mr. Yu took a taxi, he ran 44.47 kilometers in 42 minutes. Without a discount, he paid 131.38 yuan. That is to say, in this trip, Driver Lu of Caocao Mobility charged more than 170 yuan in extra cost.

Mr. Yu subsequently launched a complaint on the Gaode Taxi platform and received a partial refund on the same day in the afternoon. The platform drew a slash on 282.83 yuan and modified the amount next to it to 151.81 yuan (TapTechNews note: a refund of 131.02 yuan). On September 20th, after the reporter's inquiry, Gaode Taxi refunded the 51.81 yuan change of 151.81 yuan to Mr. Yu.

Mr. Chen, the PR (public relations) of Caocao Mobility operating on the Gaode Taxi platform, responded: This is completely caused by the driver. We have recalled and educated the driver.

Mr. Chen also said: Driver Lu is a driver of a cooperative unit under us. The driver has complete licenses and legal identity. In fact, this incident itself is not very serious. We are currently training and rectifying the driver, and controlling his subsequent services. If he has similar situations again, we will remove him. Currently, we still allow him to operate on our platform.
