Apple Releases iOS18 Beta1 with Expanded ApplePay Functionality

According to TapTechNews on June 14, Apple released the iOS18 Beta1 update this week. iPhone users who have upgraded to this test version can now use ApplePay on any desktop web browser (such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.).

Apple Releases iOS18 Beta1 with Expanded ApplePay Functionality_0

After iPhone users upgrade to iOS18 and use ApplePay to check out on desktop browsers other than Safari, a new QR code will appear on the screen. Users can scan the code with the camera app and make payment on the iPhone side.

Apple Releases iOS18 Beta1 with Expanded ApplePay Functionality_1

Apple provided more details about the system at today's WWDC 2024 coding conference. Website developers need to adopt the latest ApplePay SDK, so it will take some time for this feature to be fully rolled out on websites.

TapTechNews note: ApplePay on the desktop web was previously limited to Safari on Macs, so this is a long-awaited attempt to expand the feature to more browsers and devices.
