Samsung Responds to Apple's Failed Promo Video with New Campaign

TapTechNews May 16th news, After Apple's Crush promotional video backfired, Samsung quickly seized this hot topic and recently produced and released a video named creativitycannotbecrushed.

Apple released the Crush video to promote the latest iPad Pro, mainly by using a hydraulic press to crush instruments, paints, books, camera lenses, and other items, revealing an iPad Pro.

After the ad was released, it received many negative reviews. Many literary figures believe that Apple's video is suppressing traditional culture and implies that tech companies are squeezing creators and artists, and the advancement of AI and technology makes people abandon traditional creative methods, and so on.

Samsung quickly followed the trend. In the video, a musician walks through the wreckage of Apple's hydraulic press and picks up a partially destroyed guitar. A Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra is placed on an easel with musical notes written on it, and the musician starts playing along.

At the end of the ad, Samsung states creativity cannot be crushed. In the Twitter/X title, the company says creativity will never be smashed. TapTechNews attached the video below:

Related reads:

Apple apologizes and withdraws iPad promotional video Crush for not meeting advertising expectations

Apple's new iPad Pro promotional video receives negative reviews, art industry celebrities are criticizing one after another
