Shenzhen Consumer Council Signs Self-Regulation Convention with Leading Brands in Shared Power Bank Industry

On May 16th, TapTechNews reported that in March this year, the Shenzhen Consumer Council launched the first national self-regulatory convention for the shared power bank industry! Seven mainstream brands such as Street Power, Find Power, and Laidian have signed the self-regulation convention commitment.

The Shenzhen Consumer Council held a press conference yesterday to report on the phased work results of the shared power bank industry supervision in the past two months. At the same time, Mini Electric, Wukong Charging, Source Mini Electric, and Enjoy Mini Electric witnessed the on-site signing of the self-regulation convention by four shared power bank brands.

As of now, 11 brands have joined the self-regulation convention of shared power banks in Shenzhen, covering over 200,000 shared power bank locations.

TapTechNews found that in March this year, Shenzhen introduced the self-regulation convention for the shared power bank industry, with 7 brands participating at that time, committing to clearly display pricing rules, unify free duration, unify pricing time units, set minimum lending power, and improve complaint handling efficiency.

Two months later, staff from the Shenzhen Consumer Council randomly inspected 176 shared power bank cabinets in 13 commercial districts in the city, and found that various brands have basically achieved the Four Implementations, showing the effectiveness of rectification in the operation behavior of the shared power bank industry.

Implement Clear Pricing Rules

After scanning the cabinets, all display the rules for free duration, billing standards, ceiling prices, deposits, and other pricing rules.

Implement 5-Minute Free Duration

It has basically achieved a minimum free rental period of not less than 5 minutes. The compliance rate of 6 brands is 100%, and one brand has a compliance rate of 95%, committing to fully implement it as soon as possible.

Implement 30-Minute Pricing Unit

The billing time unit has been adjusted to 30 minutes. The compliance rate of 6 brands is 100%, and one brand currently has a compliance rate of 70%, committing to accelerate phased implementation.

Implement Efficient Handling of Complaints within 72 Hours

The proportion of complaints and resolutions for each brand reached 99.44%, an increase of 2.93 percentage points, and the success rate of complaint handling reached 96.06%, an increase of 2.68 percentage points.
