Apple's Future iPad May Feature Horizontal Logo, Designer Says

According to TapTechNews on May 27th (local time), the French media Numerama released interviews with several senior employees of Apple. This interview mentioned the new iPad Pro launched earlier this month, and Apple mentioned some potential changes in the iPad in the future.

Apples Future iPad May Feature Horizontal Logo, Designer Says_0

Apple product designer Molly Anderson said that the future iPad may adopt a horizontal Apple logo. I think there may be a change, and we are considering this issue. For a long time, the iPad has been a 'ertical use' product, but now users have increasingly used the horizontal mode.

The current Apple logo on the back of the iPad has always used the vertical logo, but in some usage scenarios (TapTechNews note: such as when used with a keyboard, watching videos, etc.), users need to turn the iPad sideways. In 2022, the iPad released by Apple first used a horizontal front camera, and then this configuration appeared on the 2024 iPad Air and iPad Pro released this month.

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Molly Anderson described the Apple design studio as a highly collaborative space, which is different from other studios in Apple. It truncates the desk to form an open studio where everyone is in the same place and can communicate ideas more conveniently.
