Sichuan Focuses on Artificial Intelligence as No.1 Innovation Project

According to TapTechNews on May 27th, integrating the information from the Shanghai Securities News and the "Sichuan Construction Release", the Information Office of the State Council held a news conference on the series of themes of "Promoting High-Quality Development" this morning. Huang Qiang, the deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the governor, said that Sichuan regards artificial intelligence as the No. 1 innovation project, promotes the development and application of the entire green hydrogen industry chain, builds strategic emerging industries such as biotechnology, satellite networks, intelligent connected new energy vehicles, drones, and the industrial internet, and vigorously develops the low-altitude economy and commercial aerospace.

Regarding the advantages and specific measures of Sichuan regarding artificial intelligence as the "No. 1 innovation project", Wu Qungang, the director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said that Sichuan is an important node in China's "East Data and West Computing" project. Currently, there are two national-level computing power platforms, more than 1100 artificial intelligence enterprises, and 27 universities have also opened artificial intelligence-related majors. Because of such a foundation, Sichuan regards the development of artificial intelligence as the first step in promoting high-quality development and concentrates on fighting a tough battle.

Wu Qungang said that in terms of specific practices, it mainly focuses on in-depth efforts in technology, policy, and reform. TapTechNews briefly summarizes as follows:

In promoting technological innovation, aiming at key fields such as intelligent computing chips, computing power servers, and algorithm models, organized scientific research efforts are carried out to strive for accelerating the breakthrough of a batch of original technologies. There is a technology enterprise in Chengdu that has innovatively developed "artificial intelligence + satellite technology", which can intelligently process the images captured in space and filter out those images with low value, doubling the efficiency of satellite usage. This enterprise is still continuously working hard and strives to further realize "calculation in the sky for data in the sky" and get results in the sky in the future, creating more new possibilities for future deep-space development.

In terms of increasing policy support, Sichuan integrates various policies and resources, and provides super-conventional and maximum-precision support. Especially for those enterprises with potential and aspirations, once identified, they will be supported, and what is lacking will be supplemented, so that policy support can be in place in one step. It supported Tsinghua University, Sichuan University, and Chengdu Rongchuang Company, etc., integrated the superior forces inside and outside the province, and "specially handled" the establishment of the Sichuan Provincial Intelligent Sensing and Computing Technology Innovation Center. In a short time, it has gathered more than 300 innovative talents in the fields of chips, algorithms, and robots, and quickly built a good innovation chain cluster.

In terms of using the key measure of reform, Sichuan adheres to small cuts and large depth, unclogs the virtuous cycle of education, talents, and science and technology, providing a continuous source of power for the development of artificial intelligence. Not long ago, the Sichuan Provincial Artificial Intelligence College was established, led by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, with the joint participation of 8 other provincial universities and key enterprises such as Huawei and Tencent, realizing multi-university cooperation and school-enterprise linkage in talent cultivation, and the connection and integration of talent use between supply and demand.
