Samsung Creates Unique Limited-Edition Smart Sports Shoe

TapTechNews June 13th, a unique super-limited edition smart sports shoe - Shortcut Sneaker was created by tech giant Samsung in collaboration with CheilBenelux, ElitacWearables, BrutAmsterdam, and renowned shoe designer Roel van Hoff. Samsung calls it the shoe of the future and it can control Samsung phones through foot movements.

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TapTechNews noticed that the great thing about Shortcut Sneaker is that users can perform corresponding functions on the connected Samsung phone through foot movements. For example, wearing these shoes, a perfect moonwalk movement can help you call your mother's phone, and a brisk tap dance step can play your favorite music. All this is thanks to the built-in sensors in the sole that can track each other's positions and recognize different movements. Shortcut Sneaker can recognize up to five movements, corresponding to five different shortcut functions, and it is very playable.

The design of the shoes was also handled by Roel van Hoff, incorporating a large number of Milky Way elements, such as the shoe upper material reminds people of meteorites and supernovae.

However, it's probably not possible to buy these shoes on Samsung's official website or physical store. Shortcut Sneaker is a limited edition product specially launched by Samsung for Samsung Members members in the Dutch region, with only 6 pairs. Currently, only Dutch Samsung members can participate in the lottery through the Samsung Members App, and the deadline is July 9, 2024, and the winning list will be announced in the second week of July.
