Samsung's HBM Chip Fails NVIDIA Test Amid Heat and Power Issues

TapTechNews on May 24, according to Reuters, Samsung Electronics' latest High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) chip has not passed the test of NVIDIA. Three people familiar with the matter said that the company's chip was affected by heat and power consumption issues.

It is reported that these problems affected Samsung's HBM3 chip, which is the most commonly used fourth-generation HBM standard for AI GPUs currently. The problem also affected the fifth-generation HBM3E chip.

Samsung said in a statement that HBM is a custom memory product that requires 'an optimization process according to customer needs', and added that the company is optimizing its products through close cooperation with customers. It refused to comment on specific customers. TapTechNews noted that NVIDIA refused to comment.

Three sources said that Samsung has been struggling to pass the tests of HBM3 and HBM3E by NVIDIA since last year. According to two people familiar with the matter, the failed test results of Samsung's 8-layer and 12-layer HBM3E chips were announced in April.

It is not clear whether these problems can be resolved quickly, but three sources said that failing to meet NVIDIA's requirements has increased the concerns of the industry and investors that Samsung may fall further behind competitors SK Hynix and Micron.
