
TapTechNews August 2nd news, the European Commission announced on its official website that the Product Repair Right Ordinance has passed the vote on June 13, 2024, and officially came into effect on July 30, 2024, and EU member states must convert it into national rules and implement it from July 31, 2026.


The core of the Product Repair Right Ordinance is to advocate a circular economy: to extend the service life of products, thereby reducing the impact on the environment caused by premature disposal.

TapTechNews attaches the main contents of the Product Repair Right Ordinance as follows:

Consumers can request repairs: According to EU law, consumers have the right to request the manufacturer to provide technical support related to repairs, involving products such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners or mobile phones.

European Repair Information Form: Repairers will provide consumers with a standardized form clearly stating the repair conditions, prices and time limits.

European Online Repair Platform: A centralized European online platform will facilitate the matching between consumers and repairers to ensure the convenience of cross-border repair services.

Extended liability period: The period during which the seller is responsible for product defects or damages will be extended by 12 months after the repair to encourage consumers to choose repair rather than replacement.

The Product Repair Right Ordinance clearly states that manufacturers of certain products such as refrigerators or smart phones must provide timely repair services to consumers at a reasonable price.

In order to strengthen the European repair market, the new regulations require these manufacturers to provide replacement parts at a reasonable price and prohibit them from refusing to repair or adopting practices that impede repairs.

In order to enable consumers to find attractive repair solutions, the European repair platform will help consumers easily find repairers.

The new directive also gives consumers a new right. If consumers choose to continue to repair the faulty product instead of buying a new product to replace it, then they can request the manufacturer to provide an additional 1-year warranty.

Related reading:

The EU's new regulations give consumers the 'right to repair', and the warranty period is automatically extended by one year if the product is repaired during the warranty period
