US Senator Urges DOJ to Investigate Nvidia's Monopoly

TapTechNews August 2nd news, Reuters reported that US Senator Elizabeth Warren (ElizabethWarren) urged the US Department of Justice to investigate Nvidia's monopoly behavior.

Warren said: Allowing a single company to become the gatekeeper of the future of world artificial intelligence is dangerous and brings serious economic risks.

The Demand Progress Education Fund and other ten opinion groups this week sent a joint letter to Jonathan Kanter, the head of the US Department of Justice's antitrust division, also urging an investigation into Nvidia's business practices.

These groups oppose monopoly and hope to promote the government's supervision of technology companies. They also pointed the finger at Nvidia's software and hardware bundling sales policy. As TapTechNews previously reported, the French antitrust agency has launched an investigation into Nvidia on this matter.

In the letter, these groups wrote: This extremely exclusive practice seriously violates the industry's norms regarding cooperation and interoperability, resulting in customers being locked in and stifling innovation.

A Nvidia spokesperson said that the company spent billions of dollars to develop artificial intelligence-capable computing technology before the demand existed, Regulators don't have to worry because we strictly abide by all laws and ensure that Nvidia is open to every enterprise in every cloud and local environment.
