Samsung Display and LG Display Approved for iPhone 16Pro OLED Screens

TapTechNews May 28 - According to a report by South Korean media TheElec, Samsung Display and LG Display have received approval to mass-produce OLED screens for the iPhone 16Pro model.

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It is reported that both suppliers received approval earlier this month, paving the way for the mass production of screens for the iPhone 16Pro model. Samsung Display will provide OLED screens for all four iPhone 16 models, while LG Display will supply the screens for the Pro series models. In addition, BOE is expected to provide OLED displays for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16Plus.

TapTechNews noted that last year, LG Display received approval to produce OLED screens for the iPhone 15Pro several months later than Samsung Display.

It is reported that Samsung Display is expected to complete the approval process for the iPhone 16ProMax OLED screen by the end of this month, and LG Display will complete it by the middle of next month. Currently, Samsung Display has received approval for the mass production of the screens of the standard iPhone 16 and iPhone 16Pro, and the Plus and ProMax models are also about to be approved.

It is also reported that the OLED display of the iPhone 16Pro has little difference compared to the display of the iPhone 15Pro, but the bezels may be slightly narrower due to the adoption of the Border Reduction Structure (BRS) technology.
