BYD Releases Fifth-generation DM Technology and New Models

According to TapTechNews on May 28th, BYD held the fifth-generation DM technology release and the launch conference of Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i tonight, officially releasing the fifth-generation DM technology. The official claims that this technology will 'usher in the era of 2 liters of fuel consumption'.

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According to BYD, the fifth-generation DM technology has the world's highest engine thermal efficiency of 46.06%, the world's lowest fuel consumption of 2.9 liters per 100 miles (about 4.6 liters per 100 kilometers) when the battery is depleted, and the world's longest comprehensive range of 2100 miles (about 3380 kilometers).

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Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i will be the first to be equipped with the fifth-generation DM technology and were officially launched and listed tonight. TapTechNews will bring follow-up reports later.
