China Telecom's May 2024 Operation Data

According to TapTechNews on June 20, China Telecom today announced the main operation data for May 2024. The number of mobile subscribers is 415.38 million, with a net increase of 1.93 million in that month and a cumulative net increase of 7.61 million for the year. TapTechNews summarizes the information as follows:

The number of 5G package subscribers is 334.26 million, with a net increase of 2.64 million in that month and a cumulative net increase of 15.6 million for the year;

The number of wired broadband subscribers is 192.84 million, with a net increase of 540,000 in that month and a cumulative net increase of 2.68 million for the year;

The number of fixed-line telephone subscribers is 99.42 million, with a net decrease of 390,000 in that month and a cumulative net decrease of 1.6 million for the year.

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For comparison, in April, China Telecom's number of mobile subscribers is 413 million, with an increase of 1.8 million; the number of 5G package subscribers is 332 million, with new subscribers increasing by 2.9 million; the number of wired broadband subscribers is 192 million, with an increase of 80,000; and the number of fixed-line telephone subscribers is 99.81 million, with a decrease of 450,000.

Related reading:

China Mobile/Unicom/Telecom Released April Operation Data, Mobile 5G Package Customers Reached 799 Million.
