XPeng's Technology Development Head Leaves, QCraft's Perception Head Joins

TapTechNews August 14th news, according to LeiFeng Net's New Intelligent Driving report, Dong Yuanqiang, the head of XPeng's Technology Development Department, has left, while Zhang Yu, the perception head of QCraft, has joined XPeng.

XPengs Technology Development Head Leaves, QCraft's Perception Head Joins_0

According to TapTechNews' report on August 9th, XPeng officially confirmed that it has recently adjusted its organizational structure, and the new organizational structure focuses on the end-to-end model. According to the change of the intelligent driving technology route, the Technology Development Department was split into three departments, namely AI model development, AI application development, and AI efficiency development.

Among them, the AI model development department is responsible for the research and development of theend-to-end model, and the AI application development department is responsible for delivery. This adjustment is equivalent to splitting the algorithm team into two parts, one part to do the model and the other part to do the delivery.

TapTechNews appendix on Dong Yuanqiang's introduction:

In 2010, graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, with a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

In September 2011, joined UtopiaCompression as a computer vision scientist.

In December 2015, joined NVIDIA as a senior vision algorithm engineer.

In April 2019, joined Tencent's US team as the chief scientist and was responsible for intelligent driving perception.

In 2021, joined XPeng as the chief engineer in the perception direction of the intelligent driving department.

In August 2022, led the XPeng Technology Development Department.

In November 2023, became the overall head of XPeng's intelligent driving perception.

In addition, Zhang Yu, the perception head of QCraft, has left and joined XPeng. Zhang Yu once served as a software R & D engineer at Waymo Research. In 2019, Zhang Yu left Waymo and joined QCraft, serving as the perception director of QCraft and being responsible for the algorithm R & D work of the perception module of QCraft.
