Xiaomi Releases Questionnaire on 澎湃 HyperOS User Preference

TapTechNews June 9th news, Xiaomi released the澎 湃 HyperOS user preference questionnaire abroad, aiming to conduct research on system functions. The official mainly asked users about their preference for the style of the 'background card'.

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In the officially released system background effect demonstration diagram, in addition to the'vertical layout' and 'horizontal layout', a third style appeared: stacked layout.

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In the questionnaire, the official released page screenshot demonstrations of the three background layout methods.

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The 澎 湃 HyperOS currently has only two background card styles of'vertical layout' and 'horizontal layout'. This time, the official released a questionnaire and accompanied by a function demonstration diagram, which means that Xiaomi intends to further enrich and improve the background style.

TapTechNews noted that Xiaomi had previously released a voting survey in the Xiaomi community, but stated in the survey that 'only ask about expectations, and do not promise to change'.

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