Samsung OneUI7's 'Large Folder' Feature Revealed

TapTechNews August 3rd news, the tech media sammyfans published a blog post today (August 3rd), exposing relevant information about the Large Folder feature in the OneUI7 system.

Samsung OneUI7s 'Large Folder' Feature Revealed_0

Samsung's OneUI based on the Android system has supported the folder function in previous versions, and users can place multiple apps in one folder on the home screen.

TapTechNews note: The ordinary folder is to place apps in a dedicated space, and users need to click to open the folder first, and then can click to open the app later. While the Large Folder will be tiled on the desktop, users can click to open the app without opening the folder first.

The Large Folder adopts a maximum 3×3 layout, and the main page can display up to 8 apps that users can directly click to open, and the ninth space in the layout shows the next app in the minimized size.

Related reading:

It is reported that Samsung OneUI7 adds large folders, multiple animations, and changes the background and camera interface
