Deep Blue Automobile CEO Responds to Delivery Problem of S07 285km Version

TapTechNews September 18th news, Deng Chenghao, the CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, posted today to respond to the delivery problem of the Deep Blue S07 285km version model: Currently, the production progress is catching up with the order progress, and there may be a certain delivery delay.

TapTechNews sorted out the key contents of Deng Chenghao's Weibo as follows:

At present, the production progress is catching up with the order progress, and there may be a certain delivery delay. Hereby apologize.

Our goal is that for users who locked orders before September 15th, all will be put into production this month.

For users who locked orders after September 15th, it is expected to enter the production schedule in early October.

If there is a delayed delivery, we will definitely carry out delayed delivery compensation.

In order to ensure faster delivery for everyone, our Nanjing factory will officially start double shifts at the end of this month, and will continue to produce and deliver during the National Day.

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TapTechNews previously reported that the Chang'an Deep Blue S07 car was launched in July this year. The body size is 4750/1930/1625mm, and the wheelbase is 2900mm; the car provides two versions of pure electric and extended range, and some models are equipped with the Huawei Qiankun intelligent driving assistance system. The car official announced on August 25th that one month after the launch of the Deep Blue S07, the order reached 14231 units.

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