Tesla's Autopilot and FSD Accident Rates and Comparisons

TapTechNews July 2nd news, the accident rate of Tesla's Autopilot autonomous driving assistance system decreased in the first quarter of 2024, but what about the performance of its more watched Full Self-Driving (FSD) beta version?

 Teslas Autopilot and FSD Accident Rates and Comparisons_0

TapTechNews noted that according to page 148 of Tesla's 2023 Impact Report, the accident rate of vehicles with FSD enabled in 2023 showed a significant decrease compared to 2022. The report shows that in 2023, the accident rate of Tesla with FSD enabled is 0.21 per million miles driven, which is a 32% decrease from 0.31 in 2022.

It should be noted that this accident rate is still 17% higher than that of Tesla using Autopilot (0.18 per million miles).

It is still not clear whether the FSD accident rate can be further reduced to the same level as that of Autopilot.

It should be pointed out that both these functions currently require the driver's supervision, and due to differences in driver habits, weather conditions, road types, vehicle models, etc., a direct comparison of accident rates is not comparable.

However, it is worthy to be affirmed that in the case of FSD enabled, the accident rate is still lower than the average level in the US (1.49 per million miles).

On the other hand, Tesla reported that the accident rate of vehicles without any active safety features enabled has increased, from 0.68 per million miles in 2022 to 0.81 per million miles in 2023, an increase of 19%.
