Tesla's Second-Generation Optimus Robot to Debut at World AI Conference

TapTechNews July 3rd news, Tesla's official Weibo announced tonight that the second-generation humanoid robot Optimus will make its first appearance at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference to be held from July 4th to 7th, "witnessing the re-evolution of humanoid robots".

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The second-generation Optimus first made its debut last December 13th. Compared to the previous-generation product, its improvements include the following aspects:

Adopting actuators and sensors all independently designed and manufactured by Tesla;

The overall appearance design is more refined;

The walking speed has increased by 30%;

The weight has been reduced by 10 pounds (about 4.54 kilograms), while the sense of balance and body control ability have been improved, and the video demonstrated its squatting movement;

Equipped with a brand new pair of hands, it can grip heavier objects and perform more delicate operations.

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Tesla said that the second-generation Optimus robot will be first applied in its manufacturing plants, and once its practicability is verified, the company will begin to sell the robot.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, Musk announced at the shareholders' meeting held last month that he is betting on the Optimus robot project for Tesla's future. Currently, the annual production of the anthropomorphic robot market is 1 billion units, and Tesla will occupy at least 10% of the share in the future.

Musk said at that time that Tesla mass-produces robots at a price of about 10,000 US dollars each and sells them at a price of 20,000 US dollars, thereby obtaining 1 trillion US dollars in profit. In addition, Musk believes that by 2026, Optimus will become a fully software-customized robot.
