China Mobile's 5G-A and AI Initiatives at GTI International Industry Conference

TapTechNews June 27th news, at the 2024 GTI International Industry Conference (Shanghai) on June 26th, He Biao, the general manager of China Mobile, delivered a speech, indicating that it will rely on international platforms such as GTI to fully promote the integrated innovation and development of 5G-A × AI:

Firstly, focus on strengthening the new information infrastructure. China Mobile has built the world's largest 5G and optical fiber network, took the lead in starting the construction of 5G-A, and will realize the commercial deployment of 5G-A in 300 cities by the end of the year. Deploy the computing power network, build the largest single intelligent computing center among global operators, and create a record of super-long-distance transmission of 400G all-optical network. Build a capable middle platform, gather and encapsulate nearly 1000 technical capabilities such as artificial intelligence and big data to reduce the threshold for the digital and intelligent transformation of the whole society.

Secondly, focus on expanding the new information service system. Serve 1 billion individual customers, 270 million family customers and 27 million enterprise customers, innovate products such as 5G new calls and cloud phones, create more than 39,000 5G industry cases such as smart factories, smart mines, and smart ports, basically covering all industrial categories to assist in the construction of the modern industrial system.

Thirdly, focus on creating the core driving force for scientific and technological innovation. Implement the BASIC6 scientific and technological innovation plan, systematically put forward the 6G network architecture, successfully launched the world's first 6G architecture verification satellite, build the 'Wutong' big data platform and the data circulation infrastructure Digital Sharing Service Network (DSSN), release the 10,000-card-level intelligent computing cluster, the 100-billion multi-modal large model, and the Jiutian artificial intelligence foundation that gathers the ecological platform of hundreds of elements to accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries and future industries.

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TapTechNews noticed that the chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Zhao Zhiguo, said in his speech that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of 5G. In terms of network construction, a 5G network with the largest scale and excellent performance has been built, with the total number of base stations reaching 3.837 million. In terms of technology industry, a complete 5G industry chain covering communication chips, terminals, base station equipment and test instruments has been built.

The president of GSMA, Mats Granryd, said in his speech that 5G technology is developing rapidly, and currently more than 300 operators in more than 100 countries have launched 5G commercial services. China is one of the leaders in the development of 5G and has more than 50,000 various 5G industrial application cases in fields such as manufacturing. The development of artificial intelligence is moving towards a 'qualitative change', and 5G and AI support each other and develop together.

GTI was an international cooperation platform initiated by operators such as China Mobile, SoftBank, and Vodafone in 2011 and currently has 146 operator members and 258 industrial partners. In 2023, the GTI3.0 new stage was officially launched to continuously deepen the global cooperation of 5G-ADVi.
