Micron's HBM Memory Update

TapTechNews May 22nd news, Micron stated at yesterday's J.P. Morgan investor conference event that Micron's HBM memory supply negotiations for 2025 are basically completed.

Micron's senior executives claimed that they have basically finalized the scale and price of next year's HBM orders with downstream customers.

Micron expects HBM memory to generate revenue in the hundreds of millions of dollars in its current fiscal year ending in September 2024, and the sales of related businesses in the 25th fiscal year will increase to several billion dollars.

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Micron predicts that the compound annual growth rate of its HBM memory bit capacity will reach 50% in the next few years.

In order to deal with the strong demand in the HBM field, Micron increased the expected scale of capital expenditures in this fiscal year from $75-80 billion to $80 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about 57.92 billion yuan).

In the HBM technology level, Micron began to sample 12-layer stacked HBM3E memory earlier this quarter. This new product with a 50% increase in single-stack capacity is expected to be an important driving force for Micron's performance in 2025.

In the non-HBM field, Micron believes that the demand for general memory in high-AI computing power PCs will increase by 40-80%, and LPDDR memory will occupy a larger share in the data center market in the future.

Overall, Micron predicts that the long-term growth rate of the DRAM memory industry will remain around 15%, and the long-term growth rate of the NAND industry is slightly higher than 20%.
