Celebrating 25 Years of 'Counter-Strike' - A Gaming Milestone

TapTechNews June 20th news, Counter-Strike迎来 25th anniversary today. The official Chinese server of CS:GO released a review video and article, and stated: 25 years, 2 unchanged camps, 5 people collaborating, and the eternal heart of seeking victory.

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Counter-Strike started public beta as a MOD of Half-Life on June 19, 1999, and was released in November of the same year.

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The MOD was made by Goose Man Li Ming and Jess Cliffe. It was released as Counter-Strike Beta 1.0 25 years ago today and is deeply loved by global FPS players. TapTechNews attaches the CS:GO Chinese server promotional video as follows:

Valve strongly supports MOD creation and provided a lot of technical support to the two during the CS beta period, and then officially acquired the CS copyright and absorbed the two into Valve.

After one version after another, CS has gradually become a benchmark work in the first-person shooter game world-wide, and Counter-Strike has also changed from a simple game MOD to the belief in the hearts of generations of players!
