Adobe Lightroom Unveils New AI Features

TapTechNews May 21, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, it is increasingly good at understanding the content in photos and completing editing operations that are difficult for humans. Today, as part of its plan to develop more artificial intelligence tools, Adobe announced new artificial intelligence functions that will soon be available in its photo editing software Lightroom.

TapTechNews learned from the official press release that Adobe announced two new artificial intelligence functions: Generative Remove and Lens Blur presets. The Generative Remove function is supported by Adobe's artificial intelligence image generator, Firefly. With this function, users can select the unwanted part in the photo, and Lightroom will automatically remove it. The AI will analyze the background information of the photo, infer the content behind the removed object, and then automatically fill the area, making the picture look as if the object never existed. This function is applicable to the mobile side, the desktop side, Lightroom Classic, and the web version of Lightroom.

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The Lens Blur function can make the background of the photo blurred to create the effect of highlighting the main body. Through this update, Lens Blur will provide a series of presets for users to choose from. With these presets, users no longer need to manually adjust the parameters to obtain the desired effect, just click the preset that best suits the user's needs, and Lightroom will automatically complete all the tedious work.

The above two functions have been officially launched now.
