TikTok Testing 60-Minute Video Upload Feature to Compete with YouTube

On May 16th, TapTechNews learned that the short video platform TikTok is quietly testing a new feature: allowing users to upload videos up to 60 minutes long. This feature is currently only available to a small number of users in certain regions, and TikTok has stated that there are no immediate plans for a full rollout.

 TikTok Testing 60-Minute Video Upload Feature to Compete with YouTube_1

This testing of extended video capabilities signals TikTok's official entry into the long video realm. While the platform initially rose to fame with 15-second short videos, it has gradually relaxed its time restrictions in recent years. Alongside its short video success, TikTok is now dipping its toes into long-form video content with the aim of competing directly with YouTube.

TikTok has mentioned that although users can achieve long video presentations through segmented uploads and guiding viewers to watch subsequent content, many creators feel that the current time limitations are somewhat restrictive for content creation such as cooking tutorials, makeup tutorials, educational courses, and comedy sketches.

According to TechCrunch, the increased video time limit undoubtedly provides creators with more creative freedom to produce more diversified and in-depth content. Furthermore, this move intensifies the competition between TikTok and YouTube. By allowing users to upload 60-minute videos, TikTok may attract creators who previously uploaded content on YouTube.

The introduction of long videos could also bring new content formats to the platform, such as releasing complete TV series episodes. Last year, the streaming platform Peacock split the first episode of the TV series 'Killing It' into five segments and released them on TikTok. However, if the 60-minute video upload feature is launched, such operations will no longer be necessary.

TapTechNews has observed that many TV stations and streaming platforms are accustomed to releasing the first episode of a series on YouTube to attract new viewers, and TikTok's long video feature provides them with an alternative option. After all, TikTok is already an important channel for many TV series to reach their audience, and longer video durations will undoubtedly encourage distributors to share more content on the platform.

Nevertheless, not all users are interested in long-form video content. To enhance the experience of watching long videos, TikTok is also conducting a series of tests, such as trying out full-screen landscape mode, videos with progress bar thumbnails, and the function of fast-forwarding by holding the right side of the video (which was launched last year).

Similar to all test features, it is currently unclear when or if the 60-minute video upload feature will be officially rolled out to all users.
