OpenHarmony Developer Conference 2024 in Shenzhen

TapTechNews May 25th news, the OpenAtom Open Source Foundation  OpenHarmony Developer Conference 2024  was held in Shenzhen this morning, with the conference theme of 'Uniting Hearts and Minds, Leading the Future with Intelligence'.

This conference takes the interpretation of the root technical characteristics of the OpenHarmony 4.1 Release version as an opportunity to focus on the technological innovation of OpenHarmony and the progress of the community ecosystem, and jointly discuss the future development of the OpenHarmony open source community.

OpenHarmony Developer Conference 2024 in Shenzhen_0

Liu Xiaojian, the executive chairman of the OpenHarmony Project Group Working Committee and the vice president of the Software Department of Huawei Terminal BG, attended and delivered a speech. He said: Since the opening of OpenHarmony for three years, the version has continued to evolve, and the version capabilities have been rapidly iterated. OpenHarmony has achieved leapfrog development and has made great progress in ecological equipment, root technology, industrial chain co-construction, and influence.

According to the introduction, more than 70 units have joined the OpenHarmony ecological co-construction, and more than 7500 community co-builders have participated in the contribution, with more than 110 million lines of contributed code. There have been nearly 600 software and hardware products that have passed the OpenHarmony compatibility assessment, and it has become the open source operating system with the fastest development speed in the field of intelligent terminals.

He said that OpenHarmony is gradually becoming the digital base of the intelligent Internet of Everything world. For example, Huawei has already built an intelligent terminal operating system for Huawei terminal consumers based on OpenHarmony, HarmonyOS. In addition, there are also several commercial distribution versions and products built by third-party co-construction units based on OpenHarmony (TapTechNews note: HarmonyOS shares a unified application and service ecosystem with the third-party commercial distribution versions and products based on OpenHarmony).

In terms of industrial policies, currently, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Huizhou, Chongqing, Nanjing and other places have taken the lead in introducing policy measures to support OpenHarmony, promoting the construction of the OpenHarmony ecosystem from the supply side and the demand side.

For this reason, the OpenHarmony device unified interconnection technical standard came into being. This standard was prepared by 15 members of the OpenHarmony Project Group Ecological Committee OpenHarmony Device Unified Interconnection Technical Standard Preparatory Group, aiming to promote the formulation and implementation of technical standards, including projection technology specifications, file sharing technology specifications, etc., to ensure the unity and compatibility of the ecosystem. The official said that through the benign combination of open source and standards, it will ensure the interconnection of OpenHarmony devices across manufacturers, data interoperability, and business interoperability.

In the future, this standard will also continue to grow and evolve with the OpenHarmony interconnection business, further attracting more developers and enterprises to join the OpenHarmony construction and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the ecosystem.
