Suno Releases V3.5, Opens to All Users

TapTechNews June 1 news, the Music Field ChatGPT Suno, which had previously aroused heated discussions among TapTechNews users, has released version V3.5 and announced that it has been opened to all users.

After this opening, all users can:

Produce a 4-minute song.

Create the longest 2-minute song extension.

Experience the improved song structure and sound fluency.

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Suno is a generative AI music creation platform that aims to produce realistic songs combining human voices and musical instruments. Previously, Suno had released version V3 to all users on March 21, and this version supported free accounts to create 2-minute songs.

The most amazing thing about this platform is that it can generate songs of different styles and genres after the user provides specified lyrics, and even the timbre of the AI singer can be specified. The official also said that V4 is already under development. We are working day and night to develop some exciting new features.

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Suno claims to be designed specifically for creating original music, and the model cannot recognize the works of other artists. Suno is not born to make more FakeDrakes (the AI-generated Drake's HeartOnMySleeve).
