XPeng Motors' May 2024 Delivery Data and XNGP Updates

TapTechNews June 1st news, XPeng Motors just announced its May 2024 vehicle delivery data. A total of 10,146 new vehicles were delivered this month, an increase of 35% year-on-year and 8% month-on-month.

Among them, the monthly delivery volume of XPeng X9 reached 1,625 vehicles, and the cumulative delivery volume reached 11,456 vehicles. It has been firmly at the top of the sales list of Chinese pure electric MPVs and sedans since its launch.

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As of May this year, the monthly active user penetration rate of XNGP in urban driving scenarios has reached 84%. At the same time, the verification mileage of XNGP exceeds 6.46 million miles (about 10.4 million kilometers), and it is getting closer to the goal of achieving full coverage of national roads by XNGP in the third quarter of this year.

TapTechNews summarizes the currently available May delivery data of auto companies as follows:
