Serious Crackdown on 'Fan Circle' Chaos in 2024 Paris Olympics

TapTechNews August 7th news, since the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympics on July 27th, we have seen major platforms such as Weibo and TikTok successively cracking down on relevant 'fan circle' illegal contents. CCTV News reported today that the cyber security department of the public security organ attaches great importance to the chaos in the 'fan circle' and actively cooperates with relevant departments to severely crack down on related illegal and criminal acts in accordance with the law.

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It is introduced that since the women's singles table tennis final of the Olympic Games on the evening of August 3rd, some netizens have posted attacking and slandering remarks. One of them posted a slander against relevant athletes and coaches at 2:12 am on August 4th, causing a bad social impact. In response, the police quickly launched an investigation and captured the criminal suspect He XX. Currently, the case is under further investigation.

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CCTV emphasized: Since the opening of the Paris Olympics, the cyber security department has closely followed the dynamics related to the Paris Olympics and effectively strengthened targeted working measures. The cyber security department of the public security organ will strengthen analysis and judgment, strengthen working measures, and severely crack down on the chaos in the 'fan circle' in the field of sports in accordance with the law.

At the same time, CCTV also reminds the majority of netizens that the Internet is not outside the law. Please watch the game civilizedly and discuss objectively, respect coaches, athletes, and referees, do not spread rumor information, and do not attack and slander others. Jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the participating personnel and a good network environment, and fully demonstrate the good image of the vast number of sports fans in our country.

TapTechNews noticed that before this, TikTok also issued an announcement, stating that it found that in the recent Olympic Games, under the influence of the atmosphere outside the station, a small number of users reprinted relevant remarks to hyped up athletes' 'CP' without bottom line, pulled down athletes and coaching team members, and even launched personal attacks on some athletes, and the platform dealt with this seriously.

TikTok said: 'All the fan circle behaviors such as pulling down, attacking, and 'shipping CP' are deviations from the sports spirit. In the follow-up, the platform will continue to do a good job in cracking down and dealing with the fan circle phenomenon around key events.'

Related reading:

'Weibo: More than 300 accounts were banned for pulling down and causing trouble and maliciously attacking in the 2024 Paris Olympic women's table tennis singles final'

'TikTok deals with illegal contents in the 'fan circle' during the 2024 Paris Olympics, and 445 accounts are banned'
