Alibaba Chairman Cai Chongxin Discusses AI and AGI

TapTechNews June 1st, Alibaba recently released the conversation between Chairman Cai Chongxin and Morgan Stanley's President for North Asia and Vice Chairman of the Investment Banking Division in the Greater China region Kam Shing Kwang. Cai Chongxin talked about the value and opportunities brought by AI, and the prospects of AGI (TapTechNews note: Generalized Artificial Intelligence).

In the conversation, Cai Chongxin stated that for a 'layperson' like him, an intuitive way to understand AI is to observe how it currently focuses on large language models. 'For a layperson about AI, understanding the complexity of AI is like 'raising a child.' Imagine that you send the child step by step through primary school, junior high school, high school and eventually to college, and there may be a possibility to obtain a doctoral degree or even multiple doctoral degrees. This is exactly the essence of the large language model competition.'

Cai Chongxin believes that when people compete to showcase their large language models, it's like saying 'I have a child who has three doctoral degrees and is proficient in multiple fields such as biology, mathematics, and psychology.' If we understand the training of AI and machine intelligence from the perspective of educating children, we can realize that it takes a long process to cultivate excellent talents. It usually takes 16 years or even longer for a child to graduate from elementary school to college, and there may be subsequent pursuit of a master's or doctoral degree.

'However, in just three or four years, we have made the large language model reach a level comparable to that of humans in terms of knowledge and some mathematical calculations, and even reach the level of a doctoral student in certain aspects. This is precisely what is astonishing. Such a fast pace of progress is both frightening and incredible.'

When Cai Chongxin talked about AGI, he expressed that he firmly believes in the vision of AGI and believes that AI will continue to improve. Currently, many people are talking about AGI - the 'ideal state' of achieving general intelligence. One day in the future, we will definitely have machines with AGI characteristics.
