Pinduoduo Sells Sam's Products Cheaper, Walmart China Responds

TapTechNews September 13th news, now there is less than a week until the Mid-Autumn Festival (September 17th). Some users have found that Pinduoduo has timely put on the shelves the mooncakes of Sam's private brand Member'sMark, which is even $3.2 (20.1 yuan) cheaper than Sam's own store.

@InternetBrandOfficial said that it seems that Sam has married with Pinduoduo and opened a Sam brand zone on its platform, covering many popular categories such as wine, beverages, snacks, and health products.

The problem is that Pinduoduo users can enjoy the high-quality goods strictly selected by the high-end membership store like Sam's 5 million members without having to spend $41 (260 yuan) every year, so users think that Sam has stabbed them in the back.

In response to this matter, Walmart China responded that Sam has a clear strategy for future development and layout, and focuses on and efficiently serves members through an omni-channel centered on stores to ensure a good shopping experience.

TapTechNews found that Sam's e-commerce business currently covers multiple channels. In addition to the Sam App and the Sam mini-program, members can also place orders through the Sam's Club official flagship store on the platform and the Sam's Club on the JD Daojia platform.

Walmart China also emphasized that Sam has not carried out business on other channels except the above-mentioned platforms. To ensure the purchase of high-quality products and genuine products and enjoy Sam's high-quality services, please choose the channels officially certified by Sam.

A person closely approaching Sam told RetailKrPlanet: Sam's online momentum is very good, but the management's online layout is extremely restrained to protect the rights and interests of members and will not sell Sam's products on other platforms. He believes that some Sam's similar products on Pinduoduo are not officially supplied but enter the platform through other channels.
