Market Regulator Issues 618 Compliance Tips for E-commerce Platforms

TapTechNews May 30th news, in order to standardize promotional business behaviors, maintain the online trading order during the "618" period, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently issued the "Compliance Tips for the "618" Network Centralized Promotion" to comprehensive e-commerce, live-streaming e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce and other platform enterprises, which mainly includes nine aspects.

First, strictly implement the main responsibility of the platform. During the promotion period, it is necessary to earnestly implement the platform's obligation to review and verify, urge platform operators to show licenses, certificates and labels for operation, ensure that the operator information is true and effective, and improve the transparency of online business behaviors.

Second, strictly regulate promotional activities. Focus on key links such as promotional tools, discount display, preferential issuance, settlement and payment, and optimize promotional rules. It is strictly prohibited to not clearly mark prices according to regulations, and price fraud and other behaviors that infringe on consumers' rights and interests. Without obtaining an auction license, no bidding promotion activities can be carried out in the name of an auction. Strictly distinguish cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods from non-cross-border goods to protect consumers' right to know and right to choose.

Third, strictly strengthen the review of advertising content. Improve the advertisement business registration, review and file management, focus on standardizing advertising behaviors such as medical beauty and celebrity endorsement, and effectively intercept false and illegal advertisements.

Fourth, strictly prohibit unfair competition behaviors. Strictly prohibit illegal behaviors such as 'choose one out of two', and compete in the market fairly. Take active measures to prevent false transactions, credit brushing, false publicity and other illegal behaviors within the platform.

Fifth, strictly regulate live-streaming marketing behaviors. Establish and improve management norms for live-streaming marketing behaviors, strengthen the review and monitoring of platform anchors and their business activities, focus on controlling the quality of live-streaming goods, and strengthen the review and check of links such as live-streaming product selection and live-streaming selling points.

Sixth, Strictly prevent the sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, improve the commodity quality control system and measures, strictly implement the rules for dealing with problem goods, and promptly take restrictive measures for the sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods and their operators.

Seventh, Strictly prohibit the sale of illegal and prohibited goods. Carry out the review and real-time inspection of product information release, do a good job in the inventory of illegal and prohibited goods, promptly take down or delete illegal product links, and severely crack down on illegal sales of goods that harm the physical and mental health of minors, 'specially supplied for', 'specially provided for', 'internally provided for' goods as well as excessive packaging of tea and rice dumplings.

Eighth, Properly resolve online consumption disputes. Unclog the channels for consumers to file complaints and reports, timely accept and efficiently handle complaints and reports, and actively assist consumers in safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests. Urge platform operators to comply with regulations such as the seven-day no-reason return for online shopping and the "three guarantees" for online shopping.

N inth, Strengthen government-enterprise communication and cooperation. E-commerce platforms should strengthen compliance management. When finding illegal and违规 problems, they should promptly report to the market regulatory department or relevant competent authorities at or above the county level to form a benign interaction between platform autonomy and government regulation, and jointly guide platform operators to raise their awareness of legal business operations.

TapTechNews reminds that during the "618" period, the vast majority of consumers should consume rationally, raise their awareness of rights protection, and promptly complain and report to the market regulatory department or relevant competent authorities in case of illegal behaviors, and legally safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests.
