AMD R9 9950X Processor's Blender Benchmark Results under Different Power Consumption

TapTechNews July 14th news, after releasing the test results under 60 watts, 90 watts, 120 watts, and 230 watts, @Igor_kavinski showed the Blender benchmark test results of the 16-core R9 9950X processor ES engineering sample under 253 watts power consumption and unlocked PPT power consumption limit.

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Under 253 watts power consumption, the all-core frequency of the R9 9950X processor is 5.5 GHz, and in the Blender benchmark test, it achieved:

monster: 365.959196, leading the result under 230 watts by about 3.6%

junkshop: 230.036427, leading the result under 230 watts by about 1.7%

classroom: 179.011906, leading the result under 230 watts by about 4.5%

The three tests respectively led the i9-14900K processor under the same power consumption by about 35%/35%/40%.

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In the case of unlocking the PPT power consumption upper limit, the all-core frequency of the R9 9950X processor exceeded 5.5 GHz, and the actual maximum power consumption reached 318.645 watts, and in the Blender benchmark test, it achieved:

monster: 367.611485

junkshop: 231.435169

classroom: 180.142814

TapTechNews noticed that at this time, the跑分 result led the amplitude of the result under 253 watts power consumption by less than 0.6%.

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Related reading:

120 watts beats 253 watts, the Blender跑分 of AMD Ryzen 9 9950X ES processor is already better than Intel Core i9-14900K
