'My Three-Body Problem Season 4' Updates and Plot Summary

TapTechNews July 14th news, the animation 'My Three-Body Problem: Season 4' updates regularly at 10:00 am every Sunday from July 14th to September 8th. The first two episodes are now available on Bilibili, and the second episode is only accessible to members.

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'My Three-Body Problem: Season 4' is adapted from 'Three-Body Problem 3: The Death's End'. Familiar characters such as Cheng Xin, Yun Tianming, and Wade appear in the trailer. The animation is produced by Three-Body Universe and Bilibili, directed by Shenyou Bafang.

TapTechNews attaches the plot summary of 'My Three-Body Problem: Season 4':

In response to the impending invasion of the Earth by the Trisolarans, aerospace doctor Cheng Xin leads the Staircase Project for active reconnaissance of the Trisolaran fleet and sends the brain donated by terminally ill Yun Tianming into space. Knowing that Yun Tianming has always loved her and gave her a star, Cheng Xin regrets deeply and goes into hibernation. Two hundred years later, Cheng Xin wakes up and donates the star to the United Nations, and is thus elected as the Swordholder to威慑 (deter) the Trisolarans, but her kindness prompts the Trisolarans to launch a full-scale attack, and human civilization is in great danger...

Trailer video:

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