DiDi Responds to User's 2017 Unpaid Taxi Bill with Anomaly

TapTechNews May 12th news, recently, a Shanghai netizen found an unpaid message in the DiDi mini program, which turned out to be a taxi trip bill of 1414 yuan in 2017, with a total distance of only about 2 kilometers in 7 minutes. The reply from DiDi customer service was normal, just pay.

TapTechNews noticed that DiDi official Weibo responded tonight, first apologizing to the user for the platform's customer service's failure to handle the issue in a timely manner. DiDi stated that the passenger's described order was on October 22, 2017, with an estimated distance of 1.588km, and the amount should have been 14 yuan. However, the bill amount was 1414 yuan, and the bill was in an unfinished state. After verification, it was found that there was an anomaly in the cost of this order, and it was preliminarily judged that the driver mistakenly inputted it twice at that time. Very sorry, customer service has contacted the passenger again and corrected the order amount.

DiDi also mentioned that currently, when there is an anomaly between the taxi driver's input fare and the actual driving distance, or the estimated price, the platform will intercept and remind the driver to check the fare. In addition, users who have activated the payment without password do not need to worry. If there is a fare anomaly, DiDi will intercept the bill and will not automatically pay. The passenger needs to manually confirm and pay. In addition, DiDi's Fare Guardian covers eight major scenarios such as detours, charging without taking the ride, and overcharging. When a passenger encounters a fare anomaly issue in the above scenarios when using a ride-hailing car, the Fare Guardian will activate the intercept, refund, and compensation functions in a graded manner to ensure that the user's taxi fare is transparent and reasonable.
