Apple and Google's South Korean branches fined for suspected violation

TapTechNews June 12th. According to the Korea Times, the branches of Apple and Google in South Korea were fined by the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) for suspected violation of the Location Information Protection Act.

For allegedly collecting location information without obtaining consent, the KCC fined 188 companies including the South Korean subsidiaries of Apple and Google. The South Korean branch of Google was fined 3 million Korean won (TapTechNews note: about 15,804 RMB currently), and the South Korean subsidiary of Apple was fined 210 million Korean won (about 1.106 million RMB currently).

In 2022, South Korea revised the Location Information Protection Act, requiring the consent of the person concerned must be obtained when using personal location information, and conducting regular inspections of enterprises that process location information.

Kim Hong-il, chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, said: Location information is a key resource for improving user convenience and the development of innovative industries, but when using this information, we need to consider the protection of personal privacy and social security.
