WeChat Adjusts Video Account Live E-commerce Team

TapTechNews May 29th news, according to Tech Planet report, on the afternoon of May 28th, WeChat released an internal announcement that the WeChat Video Account live e-commerce team has been adjusted.

It is reported that the WeChat Video Account live e-commerce team will be merged into the WeChat Open Platform (mini-programs, official accounts, etc.) team, and the original WeChat Video Account live e-commerce team will be transferred to the person in charge of the WeChat Open Platform.

Insiders said that this adjustment will help the WeChat Video Account live e-commerce business better integrate into the WeChat ecosystem and allow the Video Account live e-commerce to obtain more favorable development.

At the end of last year, there was news that the WeChat Video Account increased the resource investment in live streaming with goods, and for this reason, the organizational structure of the WeChat payment and Video Account teams has been adjusted, with the goal of connecting WeChat payment and Video Account and investing more later resources in the aspect of 'live streaming with goods'.

In addition, it is said that the GMV (TapTechNews note: total merchandise transaction volume) of the WeChat Video Account e-commerce in 2023 is about 100 billion yuan. At the annual meeting in January 2024, Tencent CEO Ma Huateng said that the Video Account is 'the hope of the whole Tencent', and this year the Video Account live e-commerce will be fully developed.
