Beijing Announces Measures for Building a Beautiful City and Promoting Green Transformation

TapTechNews August 1st news, TapTechNews learned from the official website of the Beijing Municipal People's Government that today, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Beijing Municipal People's Government of the Communist Party of China released the 'Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Building a Beautiful Beijing and Accelerating the Promotion of the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature', putting forward specific tasks and measures for the construction of Beautiful Beijing.

The main measures are as follows:

Optimize the energy structure, strictly control the scale of fossil energy utilization, accelerate the development of new energy and renewable energy, and improve the level of low-carbon energy supply and electrification of energy consumption;

Accelerate the construction of a new type of power system and orderly expand the scale of externally transferred green electricity. Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, improve the industrial access and adjustment and withdrawal system guided by green and low-carbon, and promote the green and low-carbon development of new industries.

Reduce the petrochemical and cement production capacity in Beijing, build green factories, green parks and green supply chains, implement the improvement project of clean production level, and accelerate the transformation of existing industries to green and carbon reduction.

Optimize the transportation structure, improve the 'package' of support policies such as strengthening the industry, increasing facilities, promoting consumption, and optimizing passage for new energy vehicles, accelerate the construction of charging and swapping stations, hydrogen refueling stations and other facilities, promote the 'oil-to-electricity' and 'oil-to-hydrogen' conversion of vehicles in the public and social sectors.

Promote the green transformation of railway stations, civil airports, logistics parks and other places, and build clean transportation fleets. Vigorously promote the green development of buildings, focus on promoting the construction of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and the energy-saving and green transformation of existing public buildings, promote the low-carbon and green transformation of heating, and promote the application of technologies such as photovoltaic building integration.

By 2027, the consumption of natural gas will stabilize and slightly decrease, the consumption of gasoline and diesel will continue to decline, and the consumption of renewable energy will reach about 20%; by 2035, the consumption of natural gas and gasoline and diesel will decrease significantly, and the consumption of renewable energy will reach 35%.
