Chinese Scientists Museum Opens on National Science and Technology Workers' Day

TapTechNews May 30th news, today is the 8th National Science and Technology Workers' Day, and the Chinese Scientists Museum officially opened, which is the world's first museum established in the name of a country for the group of scientists.

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The Chinese Scientists Museum is located in the Beijing Olympic Cultural Integration Area, integrating the functions of collection, collection, research, display, education, and publicity, and is committed to showing the image of Chinese scientists, carrying forward the spirit of scientists, and creating a spiritual palace for scientific and technological workers.

TapTechNews note: Since the afternoon of May 30th, the public can make free reservations to visit through the National Science and Technology Communication Center or the WeChat public account of the Chinese Scientists Museum.

The first exhibition of the museum includes a main exhibition and five special exhibitions, and the exhibition area has reached 5,000 square feet (about 464.5 square meters). The main exhibition is divided into two sections, namely:

Backbone of the Republic - Collection of Fine Exhibits in the Chinese Scientists Museum

Slowly Collecting and Gathering Abundance - Special Exhibition of the Data Collection Project for the Academic Growth of Senior Scientists

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The main exhibition will display more than 400 real objects and more than 400 precious pictures of more than 190 scientists, as well as more than 10 large-scale exhibits provided by relevant scientific research units.

The 5 special exhibitions mainly include:

Devoting Himself to the National Prestige and Making the Country Strong - Exhibition of the Life Story of Deng Jiaxian in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of His Birth

Returning - Exhibition of Chinese Scientists Returning from the United States in the 1950s

Choice - Exhibition of Qian Xuesen's Original Intention and Belief

Originally Mountains and Rivers, Extremes of Life and Vegetation - Exhibition on the Compilation History of Flora of China

Engineers for the Country - Theme Exhibition of Chinese Engineers behind Industrial Heritage

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