Microsoft's New AI Tool Windows11 Recall on Surface Laptop

TapTechNews May 25th news, the tech media WindowsLatest today released a blog post, testing a new AI tool named Windows11 Recall on the new Surface Laptop Version 7.

TapTechNews note: Recall is a new feature unique to Copilot+PC, which can record all the things you see and do on your computer and allow you to search and retrieve anything you have done on the device.

For example, Recall will record videos watched by users, conversations using chat software, browsed pictures, etc., and can also see your desktop, applications, PowerPoint slides, websites, browser tabs, etc.

The overall experience tested by this media is that the overall performance is very fast and there is no obvious delay, and it can operate normally even without the internet.

Working Principle

Windows11 Recall will take a screenshot every 5 seconds and after processing the record, it will store it in local storage and encrypt it with BitLocker.

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Recall can remember everything you do on your computer and provide a timeline interface that allows you to scroll through past activities. These include applications, websites, documents, etc.:

There is a search bar in the Recall application that allows you to look for things. You can describe what you're looking for in whatever language you like. It can be a picture, text, content in a picture, a document, or anything else. Recall will recall it for you in a matter of seconds.

For example, if you had previously discussed a specific project idea with a friend but couldn't remember where it was discussed, you can give Recall a hint about this idea and it will help you find it.

The way it works is that Recall will look for specific hints in all the recorded text and images (screenshots).

Recall uses the local small language model on the device to analyze the screen and look for content in pictures and documents, but does not record videos. It is worth noting that Recall works without the need for an internet connection and has no restrictions in the absence of a Wi-Fi connection.

This proves that Microsoft's artificial intelligence integration is limited to the NPU and storage on the device.

Pausable and Disable-able

Users can choose to disable this feature.

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Space Occupation

Since Recall stores data locally, it will also occupy storage space. The storage usage shows the space currently occupied by the snapshot. By default, on a device with 1TB of storage, Recall may occupy up to 250GB of space.

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Related Readings:

Laptop intermittent screenshotting, UK regulator launches investigation into Microsoft's Win11 Recall snapshot function

Let the PC also have a memory, Microsoft launches Recall AI tool: Can remember all your interactions
