AMD to Launch Zen6 and Zen6c Cores in 2026 with Advanced Process

TapTechNews July 16th news, AMD has officially confirmed that after Zen5 and Zen5c, it will continue to advance the high-performance journey and launch Zen6 and Zen6c cores.

AMD has not yet unlocked the full picture of Zen5 and Zen5c cores, but the official has determined the next-generation Zen architecture core plan, which will be used on desktop computers, laptops, handheld devices, and servers and other equipment.

Process Information

AMD has not announced the details of Zen6 and Zen6c cores. TapTechNews cites media reports. The current information shows that the Zen6 core code name is Morpheus.

AMD to Launch Zen6 and Zen6c Cores in 2026 with Advanced Process_0

In terms of process, Zen5 CPU adopts a 4-nanometer process node, while Zen5c adopts a 3-nanometer process node, so it is expected that Zen6 and Zen6c will adopt TSMC's more advanced nodes and packaging processes.

CCD Revelation

Previously reported that the Zen6 CPU will have 3 CCD configurations: 8 cores per CCD, 16 cores per CCD, and up to 32 cores per CCD.

If there are 16 cores per CCD, then up to 32 cores can be obtained on dual-CCD parts such as Ryzen CPUs, or up to 64 cores can be achieved using the same CCD layout. However, the chip with the highest number of cores is likely to be based on the Zen6C architecture, while AMD tends to use the standard Non-C chip on its high-end parts.

Release Date

AMD is expected to release Zen6 and Zen6 architecture cores in 2026.

AMD to Launch Zen6 and Zen6c Cores in 2026 with Advanced Process_1
