8 New Traffic Management Measures in China

TapTechNews June 13th - According to Xinhua News Agency, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing today and announced 8 new convenient measures for public security traffic management to benefit the people and enterprises, which will be implemented starting from July 1 this year. The following is the key points of TapTechNews' attached content:

Pilot the electronic motor vehicle driving license. On the basis of fully realizing the electronic inspection mark and driving license of motor vehicles, in 60 cities such as Beijing and Tianjin pilot the implementation of the electronic motor vehicle driving license (TapTechNews note: the specific list has not been announced yet), providing online showing the license and showing the code services for the motor vehicle owners and relevant industries and management departments.

Implement the one-ID-for-all for motorcycle registration. On the basis of the implemented one-ID-for-all for motorcycle registration within the province, for those applying for motorcycle registration, transfer registration, and household relocation registration across provinces, the applicants can go through the process with just the resident ID card, without the need to submit the proof of residence in the temporary residence.

Facilitate the public to handle vehicle deregistration procedures online. After the motor vehicle owner hands over the old vehicle to the scrap motor vehicle recycling enterprise and applies for deregistration, they can download the electronic version of the motor vehicle deregistration certificate through the Traffic Management 12123 App, without having to go to the vehicle management office window to get the paper deregistration certificate.

Promote the express delivery door-to-door service to facilitate the public to handle affairs. Further promote the cooperation between the police and enterprises, and give better play to the door-to-door service advantage of the express delivery enterprises. When the public handles the affairs such as replacing and obtaining license plates and certificates, they can independently choose the door-to-door service mode of the express delivery, and the couriers will pick up the application materials at the door, and the public security traffic management department will deliver the motor vehicle license plates and certificates to the applicants after the review and confirmation.

Optimize the re-application examination subjects for driving licenses. For those whose small car driving licenses have been cancelled due to overdue renewal for three years, if the applicant re-applies for the original driving license type, the original need to take all subjects' examinations will be adjusted to only the subject one and the subject three road driving skills examination, without the need to take the subject two and the subject three safe and civilized knowledge examinations.

Optimize the non-motor vehicle traffic organization at urban intersections. Popularize the integrated design of slow-moving at urban intersections, expand the waiting space for non-motor vehicles, and scientifically set up the facilities for separating motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles; at the intersections with conditions, popularize the one-time left-turn measure for non-motor vehicles.

Introduce the online accurate guidance service for traffic management affairs. Relying on the Traffic Management 12123 App to provide service for informing and guiding affairs, realizing that the public can log in once, get full hints, have one thing to handle, and get full guidance throughout the process.

Launch the unit user version of the Traffic Management 12123 App. After the institutions and enterprises open accounts at the local public security traffic management departments, they can handle affairs such as obtaining license plates and certificates, showing the licenses and codes through the Traffic Management 12123 App, reducing the handling cost and helping to optimize the business environment.

The Ministry of Public Security said that the 8 new measures will be implemented starting from July 1, among which the electronization of the driving license and the express delivery door-to-door service will be piloted first. After the implementation of these new measures, it is expected to benefit hundreds of millions of people and save about 3 billion Yuan in handling costs.
